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Shasta Sage Leaves

Magickal Properties: Enhances Psychic Senses, Connection to Earth & Nature, Facilitates Tapping Into Deeper Consciousness, Purifies Energy, Connection to Spirit Guides

Some Suggested Uses:
- Burn in a cauldron/bowl for purifying the energy of your space
- Burn in a cauldron/bowl to invite Earth energy and/or connect deeply to Earth energies
- Soak in a cup of water before pouring over yourself during a shower. Or sprinkle directly into your bath! Helps to ground and purify your energy
- Keep in a pouch as a talisman to carry natural green magick with you
- Keep in a pouch under the pillow to ground and stabilise energy

Some Associated Deities & Entities:
Mother Earth, Demeter, Spirits of the Land (such as Datuk Gong locally)

Element: Earth, Æther

Origin: USA
Net Weight: 15g
