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Blessed Candles

These 100% Soy Wax candles have been infused with Mother's Blessing of Universal Creative Energy. This enhances and amplifies all intentions and manifestations cast while burning them! Candles last approximately 90 minutes.
Because they're Soy Wax, these are low-smoke, clean-burning candles.
You can anoint them with our Blessed Oil Blends!

Sold in sets of 12, but feel free to mix and match!

Fire, Strength, Victory, Love, Passion, Courage, Sex
Transitioning, Transformation, Energy, Creativity, Success, Ambition
Air, Communication, Career, Wisdom, Joy, Confidence, Spiritual Wisdom, Masculine
Earth, Wood, Abundance, Prosperity, Luck, Growth, Fertility
Water, Communication, Truth, Acceptance, Calm, Harmony, Finding Solutions
Water, Psychic Awareness, Meditation, Clarity, Spiritual Work, Breaking Illusions
Spiritual Wisdom, Divination, Psychic Abilities, Psychic Protection, Seeking Knowledge
Self Love, Friendships, Relationships, Family, Heart Connections, Establishing Values, Calms Emotions, Feminine
Universal, Peace, Calm, Inviting Positivity, New Beginnings, Start of Cycle, Cleansing
Protection, Banishing, Endings, Release, Letting Go, Accepting Loss, End of Cycle, Rebirth

Suggestions For Beginners:
Light a candle or a few candles related to your intention, for example, if you'd like to invite a new beginning, you can light a Black candle with the intention to bring an end to your current situation, followed by a White candle to induce a new beginning. If your new beginning involves a relationship, you can light a Pink candle with the White, or if it's a new career, a Yellow candle with the White.
It's always good to meditate during a session, but if you're unable to set aside that much time, it's okay to meditate for a bit at the start, then have the candle burn out on its own!
The possibilities are endless! Unleash your creativity, and happy spellcasting/manifesting!

Caution: Always keep an eye on any burning candles!
