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Natural Elestial Phantom Citrine

This is an absolute stunner of a Citrine from Minas Gerais!

Can you believe this is a completely raw and unpolished piece?

Featuring the classic natural colour of untreated Citrine, the phantom outlines tracking the elestial growths on this piece is phenomenal. Notice the gorgeous etchings on the rougher faces!

Citrine of this quality and natural termination is hard to come by, and are classic fine minerals for any collector! This premium piece is a worthy centerpiece for any display for sure!

Citrine is THE premier stone of Abundance and Wealth, and a hot favourite for anyone manifesting a bountiful year ahead! I've sourced for a few pieces from Fine Mineral dealers with quite a lot of difficulty!

Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus

$388.00 $488.00
520g : 9.9cm