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Elemental Magick: Ignis

Elemental Magick

Fire: Transformation, Passion, Energy, Strength, Rebirth
Get the full set here!

Brand new launch, and my most ambitious creation so far!

Working with the Divine Mother means tapping into the building blocks of Creation. I received a message from Her last year to attempt to isolate those energies into spell jars! As many of you might remember, I sneaked these back in August, and it has taken me all this time to perfect the energy to my standards.

We have chosen Primordial Elemental Energy here, which is quite different from the classical elements and their physical representations. I found these to be much more accessible to us energetically, and is simply more convenient as well!

For example, the physical manifestation of Water is...physical water. But that's just a physical form that embodies those properties; Lava, while seemingly Fire element, also contains the properties of Element Water (and Material Earth)!

In summary, these are the Concepts and Properties that would eventually differentiate into our classical elements today!

You can use these bottles to supplement and elemental deficiencies. You can also use them in place of elemental invocations in energy work, spells and rituals! Of course, meditating with these for insights into the Universe is great as well, and so is position them in your home for energy flow!

Regardless of whether you're a beginner or practitioner, these bottles contain invaluable energy to aid you on your path!

Elemental Fire