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Sanctuary: Protection Blessing

As the canvas upon which all Creation is formed, the Divine Mother's energy has its origin in Primordial Neutrality.

All Creation is a part of Mother, so no altar or ritual will be done for this blessing. This is purely cast through Her will.

What you may feel:
- Increased energy, though this is generally temporary. This will be a huge infusion of energy, and while the energy will shift to match yours, it will still cause a surge for a short period
- Increased sense of calm/safety. Your energy body knows when it's safe, and this often translates to your mood and wellbeing as well
- Better flow of energy. This is especially true for practitioners!
- Less burnout
- Less affected by surrounding 'noise'
- Easier time with keeping calm

What this doesn't help with:
- Self-generated negativity, such as negative emotional reactions
- Invited spirits, demons, spells and the like
- Politicking. Yes, we can blunt the negative energies that arise from backstabbing and scheming, but it's impossible to completely stave off non-spiritual 'attacks'

I will contact you for a photo of the individual receiving the Blessing, or, if preferred, a name will do. Do include any queries/requests in the comments/notes box during checkout!
