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Crystal Awakening & Cleansing

I've been providing this service for years now on the down low, and have finally decided to offer it as an official service on this page!

In this service, I will tap into the energy of your home, workplace, or any other space to observe the flow of energy through the space. I will then perform a deep cleansing to remove negativity and unbeneficial energy from the space. I will then describe the energy flow, and provide tips and advice on what to look out for, and how to improve the energy of your home through simple methods!

DM or comment to book a cleansing session! As this service does not require a specific timing or for you to be present, please allow a 7 day window between booking and for the cleansing and report to be done for you.

After booking, do indicate during checkout how you would like to be contacted (Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp), and provide your contact details!
