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Blessed Luxury Deity Oil Travel Size

1ml testers! Try the scents and energies out before commiting to full-sized bottles! Not eligible for bulk buy promo.

Old Man Under the Moon: Love - Marriage - Maintaining Relationships

Fresh, Fruity & Floral:
Blend of fresh Rhododendron, softened with delicate Rose, Bourbon Geranium & French Maillette Lavender. A zesty Citrus blend lifts the blend, along with refreshingly sweet hints of Basil & Spearmint, and grounded with warm Sandalwood, Vanilla & Myrtle. 

The Old Man Under the Moon is an Immortal that presides over Marriage & Love. His blessings weave threads of scarlet silk around us, guiding us towards ideal life partners. For those happily coupled, He offers his blessings of longevity for your relationships, and protects your households from turbulence.

Lakshmi's Lotus Throne: Prosperity - Success - Order - Beauty

Citrusy & Floral with Spice:
Blend of fresh Rose, Orange Blossoms & Jasmine, Lightly spiced with Turmeric & Anise, with a lovely grounding Sandalwood base, elevated with zesty Green Mandarin, Lime & Keffir Lime.

The Goddess Lakshmi is one of the principal Deities of the Hindu Pantheon, presiding over matters of wealth, order & fertility. Breathe in Her blessed blend and open yourself to the blessings of abundance that guide your path towards your manifestations and growth. Close your eyes and allow Mother Lakshmi to gently guide your decisions on your path towards your best life.

Earth Mother's World: Nature - Purpose - Support

Green, Mossy & Fresh:
A verdant blend of 14 green herbs from across the world, from fresh Corn Mint, Holy Basil, Mugwort, Sweet Marjoram to Lemon Verbena. Lightly grounded with earthy Cedar, and elevated with a floral infusion of Bourbon Geranium & Clary Sage.

The Earth Mother provides sanctuary for all life in our cosmic neighbourhood. This ancient Divinity anchors every soul, every life into her Center. Let the energies of this blend wash over you like a walk through an untouched forest, a gargantuan cavern full of life, and let the Mother Earth Herself guide you towards a deeper connection with her Heart, and discover the nature of your Roots. Nurture your Spiritual Connection that anchors this 3-Dimensional existence, be supported by the immense grounding energies, and watch as the rest of your energy flourishes with this Sacred source of life.

Pele's Island: Cycles - Rebirth - Creation

Warm, Refreshing & Lightly-Spiced: Blend of peppery Juniper & fresh Pine, grounded with a herbal infusion and creamy Atlas Cedar. Lightly spiced with Cinnamon, a blend of 3 Mints, refreshing Eucalyptus, and just a gentle caress of warm Clove.

The Goddess Pele bestows her gift of rebirth in this blend of Sea & Fire. This ancient Hawaiian Divinity of Volcanoes embodies the inner fire of the Earth that creates all the lands of the world, and is a powerful embodiment of the cycles of Creation and Destruction here on Earth. Let the energies of this blend wash over you like a warm lava flow, and let She Who Shapes the Sacred Land support your transitions through phases of your life, and enhance your growth and rebirth into new beginnings, leaving the unbeneficial, old energies behind. Madame Pele also helps with healing from old wounds and walking into a new path.

Green Man's Abode: Nature - Life - Natural Cycles

Arboreal, Leafy & Woody: A grounding blend of 18 trees from across the world, from refreshing and peppery Juniper, Spruce, Eucalyptus and Cypress to woody Cedar & Atlas Cedar. lightly spiced with warm Sandalwood, and grounded with a herbal infusion of Sweet Basil, Holy Basil & Marjoram.

The Green Man bestows his gift of the natural ambient energy that permeates the Earth. This ancient Divinity of Green Spaces embodies the natural cycles that govern all the natural ecologies of the world, and is a powerful embodiment of the untamed energies of the Primordial Wilderness. Let the energies of this blend wash over you like a walk through an untouched forest, and let the Custodian of the Wild guide you towards a deeper connection to the immense energy of the Earth, and walk the path of harmony with Nature, even within our urban environment. Allow the Spiritual Groves of the Earth to take away your anxiety and stress, and learn to flow with the natural cycles of life, death & fertility that govern all life and phenomena in the world.

Antheia's Garden: Transformation - Sacred Bonds - Inner Beauty

Floral, Sweet & Earthy
: A bouquet of Geranium, Rose and other flowers, brightened with a touch of Citrus and Clary Sage

The Goddess Antheia, one of the Three Graces, blesses the earth with colour and beauty, and the gentle healing energies of flowers have been revered to this day. Although not as well-known in the modern day, Antheia embodies the qualities of beauty and humility, and gentle but inexorable growth. This blend is infused with the gentlest of nurturing love, and the seeds of empowered, transformative growth. Take some time for yourself to breathe, to heal, and to blossom.

Guan Yin's LodgeMeditation - Introspection - Peace - Cleansing

Woody and Fresh: Transcendant Atlas Cedar, grounded with earthy Cedarwood and elevated with a touch of Eucalyptus

Beyond Compassion and Mercy, the Goddess Guan Yin is an emanation of Buddhist philosophy: Embodying the qualities of Equanimity and Zen, the Boddhisatva blesses us with the the Tranquility of a mountain lodge. Breath in divine bliss as the scent of fresh coniferous wood carries you within in meditation. Rediscover your inner focus, and be reborn in mind and spirit when you leave the warm embrace of Guan Yin's Lodge.

Huitzilopochtli's HarvestAbundance - Manifestation

Warm and Spicy: Frankincense body, spiced with Ginger with notes of sweet Citrus

The Aztec Sun God Huitzilopochtli is known as a deity of war and sacrifice, but also a rewarded of Harvest in exchange for effort. Tlaloc, the God of Rain, was known as a giver of life and abundant harvest.

These energies are combined within this blend in a powerful invocation that rewards manifestation efforts with success. It’s always tricky to work with the Aztec Gods, but Huitzilopochtli in particular came knocking at my door and I answered! Diffuse this oil at the work desk, or during your manifestation and goal setting meditations and rituals!

Oshun's Grove: Self-love - Compassion 

Refreshingly Sweet & Uplifting: Blend of Peppermint and Cinnamon, elevated with hints of Lavender, herbaceous Rosemary, and a touch of Citrus 

The goddess Oshun bestows her gift of Sacred Compassion and life in this refreshing yet calming blend. Oshun is an Emanation of the Divine Feminine, and holds within the energies of Love, Beauty and Purity. Let the energies of this blend wash over you like the Primordial River, and let the flow of Her Compassion lead you to discover your own.

Persephone's Sanctuary: Protection - Rest - Sleep - Restoration

Clearing and Soothing: Citrus and Lavender embrace, balanced with fresh Cypress

The Goddess Persephone is unique in her ability to bring Life and Growth to Chaos through her affiliation with both Nature and the darker realms. This combination of energies puts her at a unique position to create a sanctuary of Primal nature, one that exists beyond the concepts of Light and Darkness, that balances Life and Death in primordial Harmony.

This energy protects us from what means us harm, and transports us from our urban environment into the embrace of the ancient Grasslands. Feel yourself dissolve in primordial natural bliss, as the Goddess blesses your rest with Her protection.

Skaði's Peak: Rebirth - Path Forging - Guidance Through Shadow

Icy Fresh, Herbaceous: Mint blend body, balanced with Marjoram and fresh Herbs

Skaði is a Jotun Giantess and a Goddess in Her own right. The Mistress of Winter, Skaði forges a path out of the freezing darkness and back into safety. Skaði represents hope and life in the face of adversity, and lends humanity her strength, determination and independence. Life thrives even in the harshest of situations; let Skaði guide you out of your personal frozen energy and back into living your best life. Perfect for shadow work meditation!

Due to the oils used, this blend works amazingly for headaches and nausea as well!

Amaterasu's Pavillion
Life - Growth - Ascendancy

Citrusy & Floral: Blend of fresh Orange Blossoms, elevated with hints of honeyed Jasmine & Chamomile and zesty Citrus, grounded with a refreshing Coniferous Wood blend, and enhanced with an almost-imperceptible touch of spice.

The Goddess Amaterasu bestows her gift of Life and Growth in this sunny and fresh blend. This ancient Japanese Divinity embodies the Cosmic Fire that energises all living creatures, and is a powerful embodiment of the illuminated flames of Femininity. Let the energies of this blend wash over you like a warm Summer breeze, and let the Lady of the the Heavenly Eye support your journey to your Highest Self.

Lilith's Grotto: Purification - Empowerment - Sovereignty

Clarifying, Herbaceous & Floral: Blend of Rose Geranium and Fresh Rose, elevated with hints of Lavender, herbaceous Rosemary, Citrus and grounded with precious Sandalwood 

The Goddess Lilith bestows her gift of Empowerment and Sovereignty in this soothing yet uplifting blend. This ancient Sumerian Divinity embodies the Balance of the Universe that calls forth Divine Wisdom, and has been a patron of equality since time immemorial. Let the energies of this blend wash over you like a capricious yet purifying wind, and let the Lady Air guide you to your true center.

Our oil blends are created from Premium Grade EU & Soil Association Certified Organic Essential Oils.
