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Moqui Marble Pairs (Shaman Stones)

Moqui Marbles are iron concretions that occur in the Navajo Sandstone, and can be up to 25 million years old!

These stones are sacred to tribes such as the Hopi, and are believed to hold mystical properties. Energetically, these stones are high-vibrational and help to repair our energy fields.

Shaman Stones are best used as a pair of 'male' and 'female' stones, with the 'male' being the projecting stone while the 'female' balances and stabilises. In each video, the stone on the left that I pick up first is the 'male' stone! Each of these pairs was carefully matched by me, by tapping into their energies and finding the most complementary ones.

Working with them: To energise your energy field, hold the 'female' stone in your dominant hand and the 'male' in your other hand. This creates a current of high energy through your energetic body. To balance and ground your energy, hold the 'male' stone in your dominant hand and the 'female' in the other hand! This releases excess energy and can help with reducing anxiety and denser energies.

As these stones are now protected by law, they are no longer allowed to be harvested from the desert. As such, the number of Moqui Marbles in the market are now a finite resource!

Chakras: All

Intuitive Pick