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Rare Garnet & Staurolite in Schist Spheres

These unique combinations hail from Brazil! Lovely scarlet Garnet and Staurolite crystals embedded in glossy, metallic Schist.

Almandine Garnet resonates with the Root Chakra, aiding in drawing the energy of the Earth into our energy bodies. Work with this stone to raise your vitality, by converting the etheric energies of the Root into more readily available physical energy!

Staurolite aids in connecting with ambient Earth-based natural energy, which also aids in grounding and drawing upon more accessible energies.

Chakras: Root, Heart, Third Eye

A - F: 90g, 3.9cm
G - J: 100g, 4cm
K: 117g, 4.2cm

All spheres from the Sanctum come with a free stand.
