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How to Select Your Crystals

How to Select Your Crystals

The simplest way to pick a crystal is to go with what catches your eye! Your personal crystals are here to be your companions on your path; loving how they feel and look is important! It doesn’t matter if this is in a physical or online shop, or even on the ground; your energy naturally resonates with what it needs at the moment. Of course, a seasoned practitioner will also be able to help you out in determining which crystal would suit you at that point in time!

When buying a crystal, notice how the crystals are treated. Are they dusty or clean? Do the crystals look like they’re of good quality? Are they authentic, or fake? Ethical mining and production is an important factor in this industry, and higher quality tends to come from more ethical practices (but not always!).

Don’t let this daunt you from venturing out and getting some crystals to start your collection! It’s normal to start with cheaper pieces at the start, and that is a great gateway into the beautiful world of crystal energy. The study of crystals and their energy is a wonderful rabbit-hole, and with experience it will start to become intuitive!